Generational Shabbat – a Vassar Temple Sisterhood Tradition

By Jonah Ritter

Vassar Temple Sisterhood has many wonderful traditions, and this is certainly one of them. Some years ago Sisterhood took over a temple practice – to organize and conduct a Friday night service called a “Generational Shabbat.” During this lay-led service, which Sisterhood members conduct, the Temple honors people who have been members of Vassar Temple for 40 or more years.

Part of the tradition includes having the Men’s Club host the Oneg. Special thanks to our organizers including but not limited to Sisterhood President Judy Rosenfeld, Past President Melissa Erlebacher, Bonnie Scheer, and the many others involved.

Each year the bulk of the names & faces are the same. We are proud to have some join the ranks, and deeply saddened when we lose anyone. And of course, not everyone can make it to the service.

Here is a picture of the “class” of 2017 (5777). To Vassar Temple, these people need no introduction. I love the way Lila Matlin and Sue Barbash are holding hands in the front row! Classy and strong Muriel Lampel is just behind them. Look at Gloria up top, with her big smile; her vigor and thirst for adventure is really special. See Linda Cantor on the left in front of Richard. I am in awe of Linda’s sensitivities. And of course, there is Elaine L in the front row who faces the camera and life head on with great spirit. Each and everyone is special in their own way!

The lifelong bonds that can be made at a temple make one’s life richer – increasing the joy during happy moments, simchas, and comforting one during life’s inevitable trials and tribulations.

We know there are many people in the community who were members of Vassar Temple years ago, but are now unaffiliated with any temple. Please know that it is nerver to late to come back and be with old friends, as we all make new ones.